Friday, May 23, 2008


Vanessa Díaz and Cristina Rosa.


<<...Surrealism inside the cubism...>>

Surrealism -> The surrealism start on 1924 in Paris (France) with the publication of "Manifiesto Surrealista" by André Breton that required a new art that deeper of human for understand to man in its totality. ( Cristina )

Picasso's surrealism -> This period lasts from 1928 to 1932. The paintings distinguished from Paul Picasso are: “Bather in foot”, of 1929, the “Bather at the edge of the sea” 1930 and “The dream” of 1932. (Vanessa)

The Minotaur -> During years 30, Minotaur replaced harlequin in the surrealistic pictures. He begins to use the Minotaur when contacted with surrealists. The Minotaur was his symbol. For example: it Minotaur appears in the Guernica de Picasso. (Vanessa)

Picasso`s pictures -> Guernica.

Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso; describe the bombing of Guernica in the civil war. This painting has a part of surrealism and another of cubism, the part of surrealism is the monstrous and the sublime in the composition of figures of gigantic and sometimes terrifying aspect. Picasso want with the surrealism show the monstrous part of the civil war.

(Cristina and Vanessa)

The dream

The dream is a painting of Picasso; describe the separation of the body and spirit during the dreams.
He want show the warmth and the sensuality of the person when sleeps. Picasso classified the dreams in : '' rationals and passional''.

1 comment:

Maribel said...

Use of English. (quite personal not just copy and paste) 1p
Content: Need to explain what is surrealism in Picasso's paintings.(some main ideas appear) .0.5p
Pictures (with comments, relevant).1 picture is not relevant at all. Need comment about "The dream". Guernica, as we said, is going to be dealt from the "political views".(1p)
Good connection between ideas and pictures.1p (
Creation. 0p
