Wednesday, May 14, 2008


pignon picasso


Ferran said...

yeray hay k buskar este discipulo

Yeraay said...

Maties Palau Ferré, considered one of the disciples of Picasso and meet for having tackled a personal battle against dealers and gallery owners burning great part(report) of his pictorial production, died yesterday in Mont Blanc when he has got 78 years.

Edouard Pignon was born in 1905 in Bully-les-Mines (Pas-de-Calais, France). He establishes himself in Paris in 1927 and begins studies in Applied(Hardworking) Arts. His first personal exhibition is organized in 1939 in Paris. Together with Bazaine, Estève, Lapicque, Moal and Manessier, Pignon does part of the " Twenty painters of French tradition " that exhibit in Paris in the Gallery Braun in 1941. Along his career, Edouard Pignon practises a refreely figurative painting, reproaching to the abstract art to suppress the reality

Maribel said... Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Willem de Kooning, and Roy Lichtenstein. They all have paintings that show Picasso's influence. (+info) (+info)

Maribel said...

You need to write the text in "entradas" not in comments.
You need to explain things through paintings not the other way around.